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  • Nimblr Joins Swedish Cybersecurity Innovation Node
Nimblr, which develops automated solutions for Security Awareness, has been admitted as a member of the Swedish Research and Innovation Node for Cybersecurity.
June 11, 2021

Nimblr Joins Swedish Cybersecurity Innovation Node

Nimblr joins the Cybersecurity Innovation Node.

Nimblr, which develops automated solutions for Security Awareness, has been accepted as a member of the Swedish research and innovation node for cyber security, initiated by VINNOVA och RISE, with the aim of accelerating Swedish innovation and research in cyber security.

Coordinated by RISE

The node is coordinated by RISE and aims to support Swedish industry, academia and the public sector. The node will create a strong network of actors, and build platforms for close dialog and innovation.

- "There is a long tradition of collaboration in the IT security industry, and we see the Swedish Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Node as an excellent platform both for sharing information and knowledge, but also an opportunity to find interesting partners," says Rikard Zetterberg, founder of Nimblr.

To strengthen Sweden's cybersecurity competence

The node will also gather and strengthen Swedish cybersecurity expertise for research and innovation. In the longer term, the node aims to strengthen Swedish competitiveness in a demanding international cybersecurity market, which is a necessity for a strong future Swedish industry and exports in cybersecurity.

Find out more about the Swedish Research and Innovation Node for Cybersecurity here..