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  • How Much Do Your Users Know About GDPR?
Nimblr is introducing a new course, in microtraining format, to give your users a basic understanding of GDPR and personal data.
September 29, 2021

How Much Do Your Users Know About GDPR?

What do your users know about GDPR?

Nimblr introduces a new course for the GDPR

What should you do if something happens that risks personal data falling into unauthorized hands? What is classified as personal data? What are the consequences of violating the GDPR? Nimblr is introducing a new course, in microtraining format, to give your users a basic understanding of GDPR and personal data.

A course aimed at all

In today's information society, it is hard to avoid handling personal data in one way or another in your work. Nimblr's new course, aimed at all employees, simply raises the bar and helps employees understand and apply the GDPR in practice.

Easy to understand

The course is part of Nimblr's automated Security Awareness program. The content is developed in collaboration with IT security experts, lawyers and psychologists to be relevant and easy to understand.

Training directly on your mobile phone

Training directly on your mobile phone

Nimblr's Micro Training can be completed directly on a mobile phone or computer browser. No login details are required from the user, instead each user is identified by the unique link in the email invitation. The system also sends reminders to those users who have not completed courses within a given time frame and continuously reports the completion rate to the administrator.